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Understanding Five in a Meal for your Healthy Food Needs

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You should consume healthy and balanced diet. It has been deemed an important part of your good health maintaining needs. It would also assist you in feeling at your best at all times. It implies that consumption of wide variety of foods in appropriate proportions along with consumption of right amount of food and drinks would help you achieve along with maintain healthy body weight.

Tyler Grasham has included few important food groups in your diet plan. According to him, one should have a healthy and balanced diet. People should look forward to trying the below mentioned foods in their diet regime.

  • You should consume five short meals a day.
  • Base meal should be inclusive of bread, potatoes, pasta or rice.
  • You should include dairy products or alternatives in your meals.
  • You should include pulses, beans, eggs, fish, proteins and meat.
  • Drink ample of fluids regularly.
  • You should choose unsaturated spreads and oils, but to be taken in small quantity.

In event of you having foods and drinks high in salt, fat and sugar, you should have them less often and in moderate amounts. It would be imperative that you should choose a wide variety of foods from the five major food groups.

Getting your five a day meal

Vegetables and fruits have been essential source of minerals and vitamins. It should make over one third of the food that you consume in a day. Tyler Grasham advises to consume at least five portions full of variety of fruit and vegetables in a day. There has been evidence that people consuming at least five portions in a day would be having lower risk of heart disease, cancer and stroke.

What comprises the five portions in a meal?

It is as simple as it sounds. You would be required to have one banana, apple, pear or any similar sized fruit. It would be one portion comprising 80gms of food. A slice of melon or pineapple would be one portion. Three tablespoons of vegetables would be another portion. You could add morning cereal to get one portion. You could swap side salad to your lunch as a portion. A portion on dinner could include fresh fruit, vegetables and snack with plain yogurt for five in a day meal.